By the time you get to your first fitting to find the wedding dress of your dreams, you’ll probably already be feeling a lot less like a bride and more like an overworked slave, what with all the planning that has to go into the wedding. However, this is the time to keep the faith and keep your chin up, because your first fitting will finally allow you to see yourself as a bride!
If you’ve been on the receiving end of too many scary stories by well-meaning friends about bad experiences they may have had on their search for the dress, your turn may feel more than just a tad daunting, but buck-up, because the real journey to the aisle is about to start…and it can be great fun!
It’ll make your life easier to have a few basic ideas about styles and colours you’d love to wear on your wedding day, as well as researching silhouettes that make the most of your body shape. This is the kind of groundwork that’ll give you a good foundation to set out from.
Be open about your budget with the bridal consultants at your first fitting, so that they don’t steer you to dresses you’ll fall in love with, only to have your heart broken because its way above your budget!
Being realistic from the first fitting to the last about accepting you may fit a few dresses that just don’t do it for you will keep you from feeling let down and losing hope. After all, how many frogs did you kiss before you found your Prince Charming!
As you try on dresses, it will help to keep an open mind towards trying a few dresses you may not have thought would suit you, because you could quite well end up falling in love with a dress style or colour that never crossed your mind, but that looks stunning on you!
Here are a few things you do need to take along to fittings:
The right supporters
Please don’t bring too many people with to your fittings, it could well turn into a nightmare of confusion and anxiety with too many opinions being floated about. Take mom and one or two friends you can rely on to be honest but not mean, after all, having a bunch of people around you saying yes to every dress is pointless too.
Since you don’t want unflattering lines from your underwear spoiling the elegant lines of the dresses you fit, make sure you wear the right underwear to fittings. Make it easy on yourself by bringing along both a strapless bra and one with straps, just in case a dress calls for either, and, leave your granny panties at home!!
The right shoes
If you’re planning to wear heels or flats on your wedding day, though you may not yet have the shoes yet, be sure to bring along shoes that have the same type and height of heels you’ll be wearing on the big day. This is so that you don’t walk down the aisle in a dress a few centimetres too short or trailing where it shouldn’t when it’s too late to alter it.
Hair accessories
No matter how you’re going to wear your hair on your wedding day, whether up, down or short, bring the right accessories to fittings. For instance, if you’re wearing your hair up, bring something that’ll keep your hair out of the way, to allow you get the full effect of each dress you fit.
Hopefully these basics of what to bring along when shopping for a wedding dress will make life a little easier for you, and, if you want the best team of bridal consultants at your side to help you find the perfect designer wedding dress in Cape Town, then Ever After Bridal Wear is where you belong!
Having dressed brides for over 10 years now, this team would love to meet you and share your journey to the ultimate wedding dress!